Behind the Scenes of the Incident at Ong’s Hat Episode 4

The last of the raw interviews

The Incident at Ong’s Hat.

From the Substack

Today’s raw recordings are the final two for the Behind the Scenes series.

This is a single file containing Denny Unger, admin of one of the Ong’s Hat forums in the late 90s and early 2000s.

Also included is James Curcio.


Here is an RSS feed for your convenience, or you may wait for this Substack to remind you each Friday for the series.


Ep. 1 Announcing the Incident at Ong’s Hat

Ep. 2 Launch Day For “The Incident at Ongs Hat” and Episode Two of “Behind the Scenes”

Ep. 3 The Incident at Ong’s Hat: Behind the Scenes- Episode 3

Ep. 4 The Incident at Ong’s Hat: Behind the Scenes- Episode 4


ZOOM OPTION Holly Elsdon- Portals, Otherworlds, and the Legend of Ong’s Hat

Time & Location

18 Feb, 16:00

Todmorden, Todmorden, UK

About the event

With special guest Joseph Matheny joining us via Zoom from the US! He has also kindly agreed to answer questions during the post-talk discussion.

Drawing parallels from folklore and early accounts of Otherworld experiences, Holly will be expanding on the case of ‘Ong’s Hat’: did a bizarre confluence of esoteric spirituality and cutting-edge quantum science find a portal to another dimension in the New Jersey Pine Barrens? Or was this merely ‘the first internet conspiracy’ and a model for future Alternate Reality Games? How did the story start, and how did the process of trans-media storytelling end up having serious ‘real-world’ repercussions? A must for anyone curious after listening to the recent Radio 4 drama based on this legend!

The Zoom link will be emailed 1 hour prior to the talk.
